Udaipur to Neemuch Taxi

Udaipur to Neemuch Taxi

Travel hassle-free from Udaipur to Neemuch with our professional taxi services. Covering a distance of approximately 140 km, this road journey takes about 2.5 to 3 hours, offering a convenient way to travel for business or leisure.

Taxi Fare for Udaipur to Neemuch :
  • Sedan Cab: ₹11 per km (max 4 passengers)
  • Innova SUV: ₹15 per km (max 6 passengers)
  • Tempo Traveller: ₹24 per km (max 16 passengers)

Our fare includes tolls, parking, and well-maintained AC cabs for your comfort, driven by experienced and professional chauffeurs.

Details for Udaipur to Neemuch taxi cab package

Distance and Route Information

Distance: 140 km

Time: Approx. 2.5 to 3 hours

Route: Udaipur > Mavli > Chittorgarh > Neemuch

Why Choose Our Taxi Service?

Affordable and transparent pricing

Comfortable, clean, and well-maintained vehicles

Skilled and professional chauffeurs

Flexible trip options tailored to your needs

Udaipur to Banswara Taxi Fare
Car model Available at Udaipur to Neemuch km fare
Sedan Cab Maximum 4 pax Rs 10-11
Innova SUV Cab Maximum 6 pax Rs 15-16
Force Tempo Traveller Maximum 16 pax Rs 22-25

Neemuch Tourist info

Tempo Traveller


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